Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Muffin Says it All!

Well, here we go! My very first official blog post. I have been meaning to do this for a while, so let's get started with introductions! My "real" name is Susan, but you can Just Call Me Muffin. I am blessed to have 4 cats and a dog as my "live in" family right now, and one of those cats is named Muffin. You will see Muffin in my photo with me. She is a cutie, but also more than a little "dickens". She has a knack for getting into the darnedest situations. In my younger days, I was much the same way, so I thought I would 'borrow" her name for the blog. I am an avid animal lover and couldn't see my life without them. My dog Allie really preferred I didn't use her name, but Muffin doesn't seem to mind. But who can tell with cats?  I am looking forward to sharing the many antics, as well as the day to day life and times, of Me, Muffin, Snickers, Mr. Wilkins, Chloe and Allie.

I am also a fan of Anything related to kitchens, cooking, and culinary treats, so clearly, Muffin is also more than perfect for me. I have been living with such a "plain" name for so many years. It is time to have some fun. :) I plan on beginning my blog with stories about my search for a new career, how my pets fit into that plan, and also throw in a kitchen tip or 2 along the way.You will also be introduced to the pets and how I imagine they see life in this household.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope that you will continue to read and bear with me as I get the swing of this. I am outgoing by nature, so I think we will be good to go soon!


1 comment:

miss kris said...

wishing you the best muffin! looking forward to reading about your kitchen creations